My goal is to help you feel better, get more fit, and have confidence to improve and maintain your health. I'm here to provide the resources and feedback along the way.
The beauty of an online program is that you can complete the workouts at a time that makes sense for your schedule. All I ask is that you agree to be teachable, commit to the program and give it your all in order to see results.
As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach (with the National Academy of Sports Medicine), I have the tools and knowledge and first hand experience to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. I can't do the work for you, that's on you, but I can give you all the tools to be successful!
An effective workout program includes a balanced diet, so I'll provide you with nutrition tips and easy, delicious recipes.
My commitment is to provide you with the roadmap to success, accountability, understanding and support, but remember you'll only get out of this experience what you put in. Results come with consistency and commitment, there's no faking it and there's no half assing it.
Being honest about your health and fitness goals, and putting in the work is critical.
So if you're ready, let's go get fit!
Let's do this health and fitness thing! Select your fitness program at the link below and you'll receive an email with a link to a downloadable workout plan + reference materials to help you be successful. Not sure yet? Complete the interest form so we can connect based on your fitness goals.
Hi friends! The fact that you’re reading this means you’re considering taking steps to improve your health and fitness, so first of all…cheers to that!! I remember taking that step myself and I wanted to know who I was considering taking advice from, so allow me to introduce myself ;)
My name is Heather, and I’m a born and raised California girl, who grew up active, around animals (I was in 4-H raising rabbits, sheep, pigs, showing dogs, riding horses).
I’m what they call an outgoing-introvert, so I love visiting with good friends, but need my alone time. I am more outgoing online than in person, and I’m terrified of being vulnerable to folks I don’t know well but I really work hard to show you all the things in my own fitness journey in the hopes that it inspires you to keep after yours too.
In my free time (when I’m not working my 9-5 job in project management, or running one of my three small businesses) I show my dogs, ride my horse, enjoy traveling with my husband, I love wine…and I’ve struggled with back issues for half of my life. I was never “into sports” – I can be fairly uncoordinated, and maybe it's the introvert part showing but I'd rather not do the whole group thing, and I really don’t like being in the spotlight. In fact, for years I never went to a gym because I was generally content doing aerobic videos at home. If you asked if I wanted to go to the gym or go outside and train my dog, or ride my horse, I would pick the animal options 100% of the time over the gym, partially because I was intimidated to go!
Since I didn’t know what to do at the gym, was too scared to ask for help, and didn’t want to get a trainer, I opted for at home cardio programs with a bit of weight work mixed in. That was a great option but because I didn’t challenge myself, little did I know I was missing out on health benefits that more resistance and a broader workout scope could provide.
I’ve never had a quick metabolism. I’ve never been naturally thin. I’ve never just been “lucky enough” to be fit…and I haven’t always been fit. I’ve tried quick fix diet schemes like many of you reading this. I’ve dropped 10-20 lbs fast for an event (like a vacation or our annual national specialty dog show) only to gain it back as soon as I stopped “dieting”…meaning I started eating normal food again. The yoyo hasn’t only been frustrating to watch in the mirror, it’s done a number on how I’ve felt about myself!!
When I met my now husband, I had just lost 15 lbs with a combination of dance fitness and a not great diet of subway, cereal and diet coke. His love for fitness met my desire to be more fit and healthy in a much more balanced way, and we started working out together and I resumed eating a balanced diet of protein, complex carbs and health fat. I started using an 8 week fitness program that he bought for me from a regular girl/fitness enthusiast/personal trainer just like me in a format similar to what you’re considering here!
I planned out my week based on when I would work out (I chose early mornings), my work schedule, and made sure to plan my meals. I could hit the gym and have my cardio and weights done in 45-90 minutes and continue on with my day. I felt amazing…when we got married, my husband and I were both in fantastic shape, not because we were following a crazy diet plan or working out 5 hours a day, but because we were being consistent with our food choices and following a workout plan…and the results were visible.
Fast forward to 2020…when the world literally shut down and I was struggling. I was recovering from my 2nd back surgery in a span of 7 years, so for a good two-thirds of 2020 my workouts consisted of walking, going to PT twice a week, doing those movements at home in between sessions, and riding my horse at a walk once a week. I sat and watched a lot of TV and ate way more pizza than my metabolism allowed. I was trying to stay active but it was hard…as hard emotionally as it was physically because I knew I was getting heavy, I knew I didn’t like how it made me feel, and I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it.
As the months went on and I was able to workout again I remember thinking NOW I got this! I was back in my happy place…weights, disappearing into my own world (this time in my small home gym instead of an actual gym)…and yet the scale and measurements weren’t moving. What was going on?! I was eating healthy. I was working out. I’d done this before (the healthy way), I was taking my vitamins. WHAT THE HECK?! I remember not wanting to go out because nothing fit, and I was sure someone was going to say wow you’ve gained weight! I felt gross. Not because anyone ever said anything, but because I looked in the mirror at myself and saw the truth…which I was eating healthy, but I was consuming the wrong amounts for my weight and goals; while I was working out, I wasn’t following a plan…I was winging it. The truth was right there staring at me, and it was up to me to take it and do something about it, or keep lying to myself. The weight hadn't come on overnight, it wasn't going to come off that quickly either, and without a plan I was just setting myself up for failure.
So I did something. I started tracking my calories and ensuring a balanced complete diet, carefully following a workout program that was sustainable, I paid attention to how my body responded over time and instead of hating the scale and dreading weigh in day, I embraced it. I tracked my food and logged my weight, and followed my workout plan every day…and the results came. From my heaviest weight in the summer of 2020, I dropped 25 lbs, and am now generally sustaining 133-135lbs on my 5ft 5in frame. I enjoy healthy food with the occasional planned “cheat” meal, and because I track my food and my weight and follow a workout program that works for me and my goals, I see how my over 42 year old body responds. I’m telling you it’s been the most rewarding experience! My confidence is back, I feel good and like what I see in the mirror, my back is healthy, my energy level and mood have improved, and you can’t keep me quiet about how amazing health and fitness is because I know the flipside!
Why Personal Training?
Mid 2022 I decided that I wanted to take my interest in health and fitness to a different level, so I enrolled in courses to take my personal trainer test. I wanted to improve my own knowledge of the science and behavior and technique behind health and fitness, so I could personally expand my learning and understand why my body responded the way it did to changes in my diet and training levels. I've always had friends ask what I was doing to get in shape so I also wanted to be able to more confidently help others when they asked how I got in shape and how they could to. Completing the requirements and passing the exam in October 2022, I proudly display my “Certified Personal Trainer” credential!! In May 2023 I added Certified Nutrition Coach to my resume as well!
I believe you can always learn more, so I’m doing just that with courses in overall wellness, and I’ll keep sharing this knowledge with you all in the form of easy to follow programs and tips to help you feel good, improve your overall health, and reach your fitness and wellness goals.
As for my own health and fitness goals: continue to improve my health (I'm currently navigating the impact of changing hormones on my weight but am focused on my diet and workouts, embracing the measurements and letting go of the scale for a bit), enjoy life and focus on my fitness because I remember when I couldn’t move without pain. Stay fit for myself, for my husband, my animals, my friends…so I can enjoy all the things I love to do! Is it always easy? Nope…I struggle with times I don’t feel like working out, or where I cave to that delicious bag of gummy bears! The key is that I remember what it felt like when I gave into those “fall off the wagon” times and all those bad decisions added up on the scale and in the mirror…so I get back up, make better choices the next time I reach for a snack, push through to do that workout I didn’t feel like, and celebrate the small wins!
So there you have it! I hope you have a better picture now of who I am as a person, and what shaped me to become a personal trainer / wellness coach…and I can’t wait to hear about your own journey to health and fitness and to celebrate your results with you!!
Important reminder: I shared earlier that I’ve struggled with back issues myself, so I had to modify some of my exercise moves to make sure I wasn’t unintentionally putting strain on my low back, and making sure I was focusing on strengthening my core. That’s one reason you’ll see a big focus on core work and stretching in all of my programs…literally the best things! Before beginning any exercise or fitness program, please be sure you’ve consulted with your doctor to make sure you’re cleared to begin a program, and so you can share any limitations I need to be aware of!
Heather Scott Online, LLC
Heather Scott - Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM) -
Building confidence, muscle, and a heathier you!!
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Site Designed and Maintained by Heather Scott